cultural conformity
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2021 ◽  
pp. 162-177
Андрей Олегович Сухов

Рассматриваются процессы развития народной педагогики и формирования этнопедагогики. Изучены ключевые моменты истории становления этнопедагогических принципов обучения и воспитания, способствовавшие формированию этнопедагогики как самостоятельной науки. В настоящий момент в педагогике представлено достаточное количество сведений, свидетельствующих о поэтапном течении этих процессов. В силу анализа узкого аспекта развития народной педагогики и этнопедагогики, чаще применительно к контексту их формирования на территории России, теряется их общий план становления, что подчеркивает актуальность настоящего исследования. Описан процесс формирования этнопедагогики со времен развития дородового общества первобытнообщинного строя (400–35 тыс. лет до н. э.), когда началось становление корневых педагогических принципов. Определены умения, навыки, обучение которым было полезно не только для выживания, но и создания объектов культурного наследия до Нового (конец XVIII – 1917 г.) и Новейшего времен (1917 г. – настоящее время), в которые многие этнопедагогические принципы трансформировались, поскольку произошло понимание необходимости изучения подрастающими поколениями не только родной культуры, но и культур других народов, проживающих на одной территории, с тем что-бы их совместное сосуществование строилось на чувствах уважения и заботе друг о друге. Выделены принципы этнопедагогики (трудовой принцип, принцип семейственности, преемственности воспитания и обучения, традиционности, природосообразности, игровой принцип, принцип нравственности, культуросообразности и др.) и на основе анализа истории их становления сделан вывод о том, что они являются основой успешного функционирования и развития современной отечественной системы просвещения, особенной чертой которой служит ориентация образования на этнокультурное обучение и воспитание. The article presents an analysis of the consistent development of the foundations of folk pedagogy and ethnopedagogy in history. The purpose of the research is to analyze the ethnopedagogical principles of teaching and upbringing developing at key moments in history that led to the formation of ethnopedagogy as an independent science. At the present moment a sufficient amount of information is presented in pedagogy that testifies about the stage-by-stage course of these processes. However, due to the analysis of the narrow side of the development of folk pedagogy and ethnopedagogy, most often in relation to the context of their formation on the territory of Russia, their general plan of formation turns out to be lost. This emphasizes the relevance of the study. The process of the formation of ethnopedagogy is described from the moment of development of prenatal society during the primitive communal system (400–35 thousand BC), which laid the first ethnopedagogical foundations: not only survival skills, but also the skills of creating objects of cultural heritage, up to the New (late XVIII – 1917) and New time (1917 – present), when many ethnopedagogical principles were transformed due to the understanding of the need for the younger generation to study not only their native culture, but also the cultures of other peoples living in the same territory, so that they coexistence was based on respect and concern for each other. The principles of ethnopedagogy are highlighted (labor principle, the principle of family, continuity of upbringing and education, traditionality, conformity to nature, the game principle, the principle of morality, cultural conformity, etc.) and, the conclusion based on the historical analysis of their formation is made: these principles are the basis of modern domestic education system’s successful functioning and development having as a special feature its orientation towards ethnocultural education and upbringing.

2021 ◽  
Erin Mercer

<p>This thesis focuses on the uncanny in literature produced in America during the first decade following World War II. The period between 1945 and 1955 was marked by repressive socio-political forces such as McCarthyism and cultural conformity which complicated the representation of what Philip Roth refers to as "demonic reality." I explore the ways in which the avoidance and minimisation of the unpleasant created a highly circumscribed version of postwar American life while also generating a sense of objectless anxiety. According to the theories of Sigmund Freud, repression inevitably stages a return registered as the "uncanny." Animism, magic, the omnipotence of thoughts, the castration complex, death, the double, madness, involuntary repetition compulsion, live burial and haunting are all deemed capable of provoking a particular anxiety connected to what lies beneath the surface of accepted reality. Although it is common to argue that fantasy genres such as science fiction and gothic represent the return of what is repressed, this thesis explores several realist novels displaying uncanny characteristics. The realist novels included here are uncanny not only because they depict weird automaton-like characters, haunting, and castration anxieties, thus exhibiting a conscious use of Freudian theory, but because the texts themselves act as the return of the repressed. Norman Mailer referred to this unsettling phenomenon when he described writing as the "spooky" art; spooky because although a writer might sit down to consciously write a particular story, another unwilled story might very well appear.</p>

2021 ◽  
Erin Mercer

<p>This thesis focuses on the uncanny in literature produced in America during the first decade following World War II. The period between 1945 and 1955 was marked by repressive socio-political forces such as McCarthyism and cultural conformity which complicated the representation of what Philip Roth refers to as "demonic reality." I explore the ways in which the avoidance and minimisation of the unpleasant created a highly circumscribed version of postwar American life while also generating a sense of objectless anxiety. According to the theories of Sigmund Freud, repression inevitably stages a return registered as the "uncanny." Animism, magic, the omnipotence of thoughts, the castration complex, death, the double, madness, involuntary repetition compulsion, live burial and haunting are all deemed capable of provoking a particular anxiety connected to what lies beneath the surface of accepted reality. Although it is common to argue that fantasy genres such as science fiction and gothic represent the return of what is repressed, this thesis explores several realist novels displaying uncanny characteristics. The realist novels included here are uncanny not only because they depict weird automaton-like characters, haunting, and castration anxieties, thus exhibiting a conscious use of Freudian theory, but because the texts themselves act as the return of the repressed. Norman Mailer referred to this unsettling phenomenon when he described writing as the "spooky" art; spooky because although a writer might sit down to consciously write a particular story, another unwilled story might very well appear.</p>

Zachary H. Garfield ◽  
Ryan Schacht ◽  
Emily R. Post ◽  
Dominique Ingram ◽  
Andrea Uehling ◽  

Reputations are an essential feature of human sociality and the evolution of cooperation and group living. Much scholarship has focused on reputations, yet typically on a narrow range of domains (e.g. prosociality and aggressiveness), usually in isolation. Humans can develop reputations, however, from any collective information. We conducted exploratory analyses on the content, distribution and structure of reputation domain diversity across cultures, using the Human Relations Area Files ethnographic database. After coding ethnographic texts on reputations from 153 cultures, we used hierarchical modelling, cluster analysis and text analysis to provide an empirical view of reputation domains across societies. Findings suggest: (i) reputational domains vary cross-culturally, yet reputations for cultural conformity, prosociality, social status and neural capital are widespread; (ii) reputation domains are more variable for males than females; and (iii) particular reputation domains are interrelated, demonstrating a structure consistent with dimensions of human uniqueness. We label these features: cultural group unity , dominance , neural capital , sexuality , social and material success and supernatural healing . We highlight the need for future research on the evolution of cooperation and human sociality to consider a wider range of reputation domains, as well as their social, ecological and gender-specific variability. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The language of cooperation: reputation and honest signalling’.

The Auk ◽  
2021 ◽  
Timothy H Parker ◽  
Bridget Sousa ◽  
Stephan T Leu ◽  
Stacy Edmondson ◽  
Cecily Foo ◽  

Abstract Dickcissel (Spiza americana) males occupying territories in cropland sites produced songs that were less similar on average to other Dickcissel songs in their neighborhood than did Dickcissels living in grasslands, where conformity to the local vocal culture was higher. Further, Dickcissel vocal culture changed more quickly over time in cropland sites relative to grassland sites. These differences may have resulted from the lower site fidelity we observed in Dickcissel males in cropland sites relative to grassland sites. We expected this link with site fidelity because we hypothesized that conformity to local culture in Oscine songbirds and the persistence of culture over time and space are promoted by habitats that facilitate stable populations. In contrast, sites in which habitat features cause rapid population turnover provide more territory vacancies and so more opportunities for colonization. Colonization should drive cultural change, either through adult colonists importing foreign cultural variants or young colonists making errors as they learn the local song. This potential link between population turnover and cultural stability may apply to animal cultures more broadly and so may be a fruitful area for further research. Besides the link between site fidelity and cultural change over time, we also investigated the possibility that habitats with different levels of site fidelity might show differences in the spatial scale of song similarity. However, we found no evidence of such a difference. Finally, although our conclusions regarding conformity and change in vocal culture were based on many recorded songs, automated assessments of song similarity imprecisely estimated the overall degree of song similarity. Thus, we may have underestimated the strength of the effects of time and distance on song similarity.

Надежда Вадимовна Ли

Введение. В условиях позитивного развития российско-корейских отношений в экономической, политической, образовательной, культурной и других сферах все более востребованными в России являются специалисты, владеющие корейским языком. Перед отечественными методистами-корееведами и преподавателями высшей школы встает серьезная задача – оптимизировать и интенсифицировать процесс обучения корейскому языку с целью формирования вторичной языковой личности, обладающей коммуникативной межкультурной компетентностью. Несформированность умений межкультурного общения делает невозможным адекватное взаимопонимание участников акта общения, принадлежащих разным культурам, что затрудняет взаимопроникновение и взаимовлияние культур. Одним из способов решения представленной проблемы является применение межкультурного подхода в обучении корейскому языку. В связи с трансформацией цели языкового образования образ современной методики представляет уже не методику обучения иностранному языку, а теорию и технологию иноязычного образования. Следовательно, обучать мы должны не языку как таковому, а культуре, частью которой является язык. При межкультурном подходе релевантными являются тексты-дискурсы – связные тексты в совокупности с экстралингвистическими (прагматическими, социокультурными, психологическими) факторами. Данные тексты представлены в межкультурных учебниках и мультимедийными средствами, разработанные представителями контактирующих культур. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования выступили кульутрологические универсалии корейской культуры. В работе применялся сравнительно-сопоставительный метод, межкультурный подход. Результаты и обсуждение. Пранализированы принципы межкультурного подхода, предложен культурологический анализ корейской культуры, согласно которому возможно определение содержания межкультурной компетентности. Описана методика формирования межкультурной компетентности у обучаемых на корейском языке, представленная номенклатурой умений и навыков социолингвистической, дискурсивной, стратегической и социокультурной компетенций и основанная на использовании фреймов, а также знаний – культурных универсалий, в связи с чем в работе приводится культурологический анализ корейской культуры. Заключение. Концептуальные основы применения межкультурного подхода в обучении корейскому языку в вузе составляет комплекс психолого-дидактических принципов: принцип культуросообразности, аккультурации, принцип управляемости собственным психологическим фоном, состоянием эмпатического отношения к участникам межкультурного общения, принцип учета ценностных культурных универсалий. Introduction. In the context of the positive development of Russian-Korean relations in the economic, political, educational, cultural and other spheres, specialists who speak the Korean language as a means of communication with native speakers for performing various activities are increasingly in demand in Russia. Accordingly, domestic Korean methodologists and teachers of higher education face a serious task – to optimize and intensify the process of teaching the Korean language in order to form a secondary linguistic personality with communicative intercultural competence. The lack of development of the skills of intercultural communication makes it impossible for an adequate mutual understanding of the participants in the act of communication belonging to different cultures, which makes it difficult for the interpenetration and interaction of cultures. One of the ways to solve the presented problem is to use an intercultural approach in teaching the Korean language. Material and methods. The research material is the cultural universals of Korean culture, a comparative method, an intercultural approach is used. Results and discussion. The principles of the intercultural approach are described, a cultural analysis of Korean culture is proposed, according to which it is possible to determine the content of intercultural competence. A methodology for the formation of intercultural competence in students in the Korean language is proposed, represented by the nomenclature of skills and abilities of sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic and sociocultural competence, based on the use of frames, as well as knowledge – cultural universals, in connection with which the work presents a cultural analysis of the Korean culture. Conclusion. The conceptual foundations of the application of the intercultural approach in teaching the Korean language at the university is a complex of psychological and didactic principles: the principle of cultural conformity, acculturation, the principle of controllability by one’s own psychological background, the state of situational uncertainty, empathic attitude towards participants in intercultural communication, civic engagement, the principle of taking into account value cultural universals.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026540752110365
Saeideh Heshmati ◽  
Zita Oravecz

Cultural conformity in psychological constructs has been shown to play a critical role in people’s health and well-being. The more people’s individual beliefs about a construct aligns with the cultural norms, their cultural identity is more cultivated, leading to higher levels of well-being. Considering feeling loved in everyday contexts as a social construct that people indicate shared beliefs and cultural consensus for, in the current study, we explored congruency in cultural beliefs on love and its association with well-being in the United States. 495 participants in the United States evaluated everyday life scenarios in terms of whether they elicit loving feelings or not. We examined the correspondence between people’s beliefs about what makes themselves (i.e., self) feel loved compared to what they think makes others feel loved and the cultural consensus on indicators of love. We then explored how individual differences in these correspondence measures are associated with people’s well-being. We reported evidence for the lack as well as for the existence of these associations using Bayes Factors in the Bayesian statistical framework. Results indicated that both self-other and self-consensus agreements are meaningfully associated with individuals’ well-being. Furthermore, when examining disagreements in self vs. other ratings of love, we found that one type of disagreement (believing other people feel loved in scenarios that I don’t), is associated with lower levels of well-being. This meaningful relationship to well-being was not visible in the case where a person would report feeling loved in a scenario while believing that others would not. Implications for well-being interventions are further discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-66
Irena Snikhovska ◽  
Lesya Glazunova ◽  
Larysa Soloviova ◽  
Olena Tymchuk

The article is devoted to the experimental testing of aesthetic competence of future philologists by means of ethnology. The principles (national character, humanization, ethnicization, cultural conformity, integration) are considered and stages of model implementation (orientative, training, creative) are elaborated and characterized. Structural and functional components, criteria and indicators of the levels of forming the future philologists' aesthetic competence are defined. The characteristic of levels of aesthetic competence development in philology students (reproductive, constructive, creative) is given. The characteristics of the levels with the help of the coefficient of tasks completeness related to knowledge, skills and abilities for aesthetic competence development of the philology students by means of ethnology were determined. The paper concludes by calling attention to the enhancement of the educational process forms and methods in order to develop the aesthetic competence of future philologists by means of ethnology, urging to instill the aesthetic competences more purposefully and integrally throughout the Bachelor program.

Larysa Kostenko

The article reveals the content of out-of-school education in Ukraine in 1991–2014, which was determined by two interrelated factors: the transition period in which Ukrainian society was and the systemic crisis that engulfed it. The author emphasizes that if the first factor prompted the creation of new forms and methods, the second, and, above all, financial difficulties ‒ hindered the introduction of innovations in the field of out-of-school education.In the system of out-of-school education of Ukraine, in 1991–2014, the definition and formation of its content became the most important and difficult issue. The content of out-of-school education of this period took into account the experience of the Soviet period and the conditions for organizing the activities of out-of-school institutions. Among these conditions, the article highlights the following: voluntariness, accessibility, differentiation, and variability, flexibility, dynamism, mobility, consistency, etc.It is noted that the content of out-of-school education in 1991–2014 was structured and implemented in the system of clubs, academic disciplines, subjects, courses and was presented in the corresponding curricula, programs, textbooks, manuals, method guides, didactic aids.The publication analyzes the main areas that the content of out-of-school education included in 1991–2014: artistic and aesthetic, scientific and technological, library and bibliographic, ecological and naturalistic, tourism and local studies, humanitarian, physical culture, and sports, which had their own specificity.The author concludes that these areas of out-of-school education were based on the following principles: democratization (cooperation) and humanization (respect for the interests and needs of the individual); conformity to nature (taking into account age peculiarities) and cultural conformity (ensuring cultural continuity of generations); unity of education, upbringing and personal development; harmonization of social (professional and pedagogical) and family upbringing influences; integrity of out-of-school education. Keywords: out-of-school education, content, directions, principles, out-of-school institutions, historical and pedagogical analysis, competences, the development of personality.

Olga Yurchenko

Herder carried out the study of culture as a complex system, considering the material and spiritual culture, showing the conditionality of its development by internal and external conditions, proved the historicity of culture. Each of the cultures reveals a way of determining a person's place in the world, a certain type of self-identification that is connected with the national consciousness. Herder proclaimed that the development of socio-cultural experience and the formation of national consciousness occurs in the education process. The philosopher defined cultural conformity as one of the basic principles of the organization of education and people's life in the state.

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