ITNOU: Information technologies in education, science and management
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Published By LLC Institute Information Technologies


Andrei Borziak ◽  
Roman Smirnov ◽  

The aim of the work is to develop algorithms for selecting the type of energy storage and its loading profile.

Oleg Vladislavovich Mikhailenko ◽  
Gennady Borisovich Staikov ◽  
Georgy Alekseevich Dorrer ◽  

The purpose of this article is to thoroughly understand the HL7 FHIR standard, to consider the use and adoption of the standard in modern medical applications and organizations. Thus, the article is a review of the scientific literature on FHIR and its current use in digital healthcare, identifying the main topics that are discussed in the context of FHIR in the scien-tific literature.

Leonid Berner ◽  
Alexey Tolstykh ◽  
Yury Zeldin ◽  
K.V. Stanislavchik ◽  

This paper examines the principles of the functional purpose of the automated emission con-trol system, the basic principles of building the system, as well as the example of the practical application of the yf refining facility system, namely the branch of the Berezovsky GRES of Unipro, RUSAL Krasnoyarsk.

Anver Kasimovich Enaleev ◽  
Vladimir Tsyganov ◽  
Vladimir Grigorievich Gorbunov ◽  

The paper considers the problem of traffic maximization and ways to solve it at the stage of large-scale projects preliminary examination for the development of transport infrastructure of international railway corridors by increasing the capacity of single-track sections of the railway through the optimal placement of sidings on routes with heavy traffic.

Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova ◽  
Dmitry Igorevich Gorin ◽  

A method for optimizing the filling of a machine word with independent instructions is proposed, which allows to increase the performance of programs by stacking the maximum number of independent commands in a package. The paper also confirms the hypothesis that with the transition to random register allocation by the compiler, the packet density will increase, which will result in a decrease in the program's running time.

Vladimir Kureichik ◽  
Victoria Bova ◽  
Vladimir Kureichik Jr. ◽  

The article describes the solution of NP-complex combinatorial-logical problems on graphs. The authors pro-pose to use a bioinspired approach based on a modified firefly optimization method. As a modification of the proposed approach, the work introduces procedures for dynamically changing the search area, which allows avoiding local optima. A series of tests and experiments have shown that this method is promising. The time complexity of the developed algorithm in the best case ≈ O(nlogn), in the worst case - О(n2).

Sergey Aronov ◽  
Leonid Berner ◽  
Victor Kotov ◽  
Alexey Roshchin ◽  

The article describes solution for dispatching the movement of a fueling service vehicle at the airport when performing a task for refueling an aircraft with automated control of the fueling service vehicle when issuing fuel on board an aircraft with measuring the mass of the issued fuel and providing centralized accounting.

Duong Quoc Hoang Tu ◽  
Alla Grigorievna Kravets ◽  
Thanh Viet Nguyen ◽  
Inna Vladimirovna Strukova ◽  

Social Programming Sites (SPSs) are social networking services for sharing software devel-opment projects on the Internet. Many open source projects are currently being developed on the SPSs. One of the characteristics of SPSs is that they provide a social media platform that encourages collaboration between developers with similar interests and goals. The article proposes an approach to the formation of a Github SPSs graph as a heterogeneous network. On the basis of this approach, the metric of determining the developers of the most used R packages is investigated.

Vera Volushkova ◽  

Finding bugs on live systems is always a difficult task. This is due to the limited search time and the lack of information about the location of the error. To solve this problem, the support team often uses their own logging, which writes messages (logs) at critical points in the program. In this paper, a method for finding errors is presented, which uses logging with a layered ap-proach. This approach allows you to adjust the amount of information stored in the log.

Vladimir Tsyganov ◽  
Alesia Lemiashkova ◽  

The main directions and results of cognitive modeling for managing the strategic development of transport infrastructure of large-scale region are characterized.

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