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Published By Universitas Udayana

2684-9186, 2302-3163

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 45
Bhrama Sakti K.P. ◽  
A.A. Gede Maharta Pemayun ◽  
I Gede Dyana Arjana

The disruption of the electric power system due to overcurrent causes a trip to the 3rd generator of pesanggaran power plant . This causes a decrease in frequency due to the system losing its supply. Frequency interference can be detected automatically with UFR (Under Frequency Relay). The working principle of UFR is to compare the value of the system frequency and the value of the frequency setting. The comparison will determine how much load is released to balance the generator supply. This study analyzes UFR performance at Pesanggaran Substation by simulating a case of the generator being released so as to produce a decreased system frequency state. The method used is by comparing the ETAP simulation results and calculation results. The results of the comparison obtained the system recovery time when the conditions (gen1 tripped), (gen1 and gen2 tripped), and (gen1, gen2, and gen3 tripped), each is 1.171s; 4,531s; and 4,514s.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
I Komang Wahyu Trisna Putra ◽  
Ngakan Putu Satriya Utama ◽  
I Nyoman Setiawan

Salah satu Distributed Generation (DG) yang beroperasi di Bali adalah Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Minihidro (PLTM) yang yang berada di Desa Sambangan, Kabupaten Buleleng. PLTM tersebut terhubung dengan salah satu penyulang di daerah Buleleng yaitu Penyulang Panji. PLTM tersebut memiliki kapasitas pembangkit sebesar 2 x 1,15 MW yang mampu membantu suplai daya listrik ke Penyulang Panji selain pasokan daya listrik dari Gardu Induk Pemaron. PLTM mampu memberikan pengaruh penurunan rugi daya (losses), namun penempatan titik interkoneksi yang kurang tepat dapat menyebabkan penurunan rugi-rugi daya yang kurang maksimal. Pada Penelitian ini dilakukan optimasi penempatan titik interkoneksi PLTM dengan metode Genetic Algorithm (GA) dan didapatkan lokasi terbaik titik interkoneksi PLTM berada pada bus 70 dengan rugi-rugi daya total sebesar 31 kW. Interkoneksi PLTM pada bus tersebut dapat menurunkan rugi-rugi daya aktif sebesar 5 kW dari total rugi-rugi daya awal saat kondisi eksisting yaitu pada bus 35 sebesar 36 kW menjadi 31 kW.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
I. K. A. Wijaya ◽  
R. S. Hartati ◽  
I W. Sukerayasa

Saba feeder is a feeder who supplies 78 distribution transformers with feeder length 38,959 kms, through this Saba feeder electrical energy is channeled radially to each distribution substation. In 2017 the voltage shrinkage at Saba feeder was 9.88% (18,024 kV) while the total power loss was 445.5 kW. In this study an attempt was made to overcome the voltage losses and power losses using the method of optimizing bank capacitors with genetic algorithms and network reconfiguration. The best solution obtained from this study will be selected for repair of voltage losses and power losses in Saba feeders. The results showed that by optimizing bank capacitors using genetic algorithms, the placement of capacitor banks was placed on bus 23 (the channel leading to the BB0024 transformer) and successfully reduced the power loss to 331.7 kW. The network reconfiguration succeeded in fixing the voltage on the Saba feeder with a voltage drop of 4.75% and a total power loss of 182.7 kW. With the combined method, reconfiguration and optimization of bank capacitors with genetic algorithms were obtained on bus 27 (channel to transformer BB0047) and managed to reduce power losses to 143 kW.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
I Gusti Nyoman Indra Wiguna ◽  
I Gede Dyana Arjana ◽  
Tjok. Gede Indra P

Peak load on Berawa Feeder is very high exceeding the maximum limit set by PLN which causes Losses and high voltage drop values, so reconfiguration of Repeater via LBS Canggu Club and LBS Damai Residance is carried out, using 3 distribution points. The flow before being reconfigured in the Swamp Feeder was 242A to 180.2A, while the previous Bumbak Feeder was 82A to 144.7A. losses previous deliveries of Bumbak Feederwere 5.2kW to 22.15kW, while previous Berawa Berulang was 117.1kW to 55.11kW, drop the previous Bumbak Feeder voltagewas 102kVA to 24kVA, whereas the previous Swamp Feeder was 775.4kVA to 490.2kVA. Load surges and decreases are caused by changes in load and channel length after being reconfigured.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
I Gede Yogi Astawan ◽  
Yoga Divayana ◽  
Pratolo Rahardjo

This research is conducted to build portable spectroscopy optic with Android and desktop applications. Portable spectroscopy optic consists of Arduino Micro, Nextion Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), 2 pieces Light Emitting Diodes (LED), servo motor, diffraction grating (600 lines/mm), 2 pieces photodiodes, Bluetooth HC-05, and SD Card Reader Writer. Android and desktop applications realized by using Qt IDE. Spectroscopy testing is done using polymers with color red, green, and blue. The result of polymers sample testing shows that the spectrum with same wavelength range as the sample color will be passed, while other wavelengths will be absorbed. The device has been able to measure absorption of sample. On testing restore the test results to the SD card produces file with size about 2 kB. Device uses battery with capacity 3000 mAh and can be actively sustainable during 3 hours 31 minutes. Testing of communication Android and desktop applications with spectroscopy is done using bluetooth and Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable. The result of application testing are already able to send and receive data from spectroscopy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Putu Dhiko Pradnyana ◽  
D.M. Wiharta ◽  
N.P. Sastra

The main changes in the telecommunication during these present days come mainly from wired technology to wireless technology. The Wireless LAN (WLAN) configuration consists of an access point, connected to users using air medium. The postgraduate building of Universitas Udayana has been equipped with a wireless network, supporting the study activities within the building. This research explains regarding the signal level quality and the Quality of Service (QoS) by analyzing the Wi-Fi coverage. The measurements were divided into two models, with and without barriers. The highest result comes to -42 dBm, conversely, the lowest is -82 dBm. Thus, the results show that the throughput value is 3.97 Mbps. Within the maximum bandwidth of 10 Mbps, the average packet-loss is not more than 3%. The delay measurement provides a result of not more than 100 ms, and the jitter obtained is 0.04. According to the digital floor plan, the calculation results of the coverage area match the signal level measurement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Gordon Arifin Sinaga ◽  
I Made Mataram ◽  
Tjok Gede Indra Partha

Renewable energy is energy that comes from natural processes that will not be exhausted and sustainable if managed properly. In its use, to maintain the continuity of the availability of electrical energy maximally, it is necessary to combine several types of power plants that are connected to the grid or better known as hybrid grid connected power systems. This research took place at Villa Peruna Saba, Gianyar - Bali which uses a hybrid grid connected power system that combines photovoltaics and generators connected to the grid utilty in supplying electricity loads. The analysis is carried out on the characteristics of the average load, the contribution of each electric power source and the workings of the hybrid grid connected hybrid power plant system. From the analysis, it is known that the contribution of power derived from solar power plants is 561.27 kW or 22.41% in April 2018 and 510.72 kW or 20.71% in May 2018.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
I Putu Adi Wirajaya ◽  
I Wayan Rinas ◽  
I Wayan Sukerayasa

Kerobokan feeder supply electrical energy in the area of Kerobokan. This feeder supplies 67 distribution transformers that serve a variety of customers with nonlinier electrical loads. Nonlinier electrical loads cause harmonics which adversely affect customers and power system equipment, especially distribution transformers. In Kerobokan feeder, only 3 (4.5%) of the 67 transformers has THDi content that according with the IEEE 519-2014 standard and 64 (95.5%) of the 67 transformers has a high THDi content and exceed the IEEE 519-2014 standard. For this reason, the power losses, efficiency, and work capacity of the transformer are analyzed due to the effect of THDi. This study uses a direct measurement method in all transformers in the Kerobokan feeder and simulation on the ETAP Powerstation program. The results of the analysis showed that total power losses without being affected by THDi for all transformers were 49.4 kW and after being affected by THDi were 591.71 kW. The highest THDi content is in the KA 0992 transformer is 24.8% which results in an increased in power losses is 12.02 kW or 12.02% of its capacity and a decreased in efficiency is 12.66% and has a decreased in work capacity is 19.9%. While the smallest THDi content is found in the DB 449 transformer is 6.8% which results in an increased in power losses is 2.2 kW or 0.88% of its capacity and a decreased efficiency is 1.01% and has a decreased in work capacity is 2.7%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 24
G. A. M. Dwi Ade Saputra ◽  
I Wayan Rinas ◽  
I Made Suartika

Electrical equipment categorized as the nonlinear load will cause harmonics. Harmonic is a periodic distortion of the sine wave that can cause a negative impact on electronic equipment components. One way to improve power quality is to reduce harmonics using harmonic filters. In this study, an analysis of the system was carried out before adding a filter and after adding an active filter based on a fuzzy logic controller. The application of the fuzzy logic method on filters functions to reduce over switching in the inverter so that it can reach the lowest THDi value. THDi simulation results when the existing conditions are in phase R, S, T; at 14%, 17%, 14%. When the active filter condition is without control, the THDi percentage at the R phase is 6%, the S phase is 6%, the T phase is 4%. In the active filter conditions based on the fuzzy logic controller the percentage of THDi in phase R, S, T; is 0.9%, 0.9, 1%. Based on the simulation results introduced in the active filter based fuzzy logic controller is able to reduce harmonic distortion to the lowest value, so the use of fuzzy logic in active filters can be used in the harmonic filtering process in the electrical system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 16
Rizal Akbar Fauzany ◽  
I Gede Dyana Arjana ◽  
Cok Gede Indra Partha

Increased load current on the Pesanggaran – Sanur transmission line by 333,536 Ampere or 83,384 % of the current carrying capacity caused the uprating conductor from ACSR Partridge 135 ????????2 into ACCC Lisbon 310 ????????2. Upratingj cause changes in impendance value. This change affects the zone reach protection of GIS Pesanggaran – GI Sanur distance relay which overlaps with Zone protection of GI Sanur – GI Gianyar distance relay. Resetting is done by recalculation according the distance relay rules and the result are tested with short circuit at 86 % Pesangaran – Sanur transmission line. Resetting result shows the distance relay operate appropriately according with the IEEE Standard C37.113-2015.

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