alkaline magma
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2021 ◽  
pp. 120279
Kaizhang Yu ◽  
Yongsheng Liu ◽  
Stephen F. Foley ◽  
Zhaochu Hu ◽  
Keqing Zong ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. sjg2020-019
Richard A. Batchelor

A volcanogenic clay bed (tonstein) has been identified in the Balcomie Beds of the Inverclyde Group near Crail, East Fife. Its chemical composition suggests an undersaturated alkaline magma source. This horizon may be contemporaneous with the early Carboniferous Garleton Hills trachytic lavas of East Lothian (346 Ma). This would make it the earliest expression of Carboniferous volcanism preserved in Fife, and also the earliest occurrence of a tonstein in Fife.

2020 ◽  
Vol 282 ◽  
pp. 297-323
Zineb Nabyl ◽  
Malcolm Massuyeau ◽  
Fabrice Gaillard ◽  
Johann Tuduri ◽  
Giada Iacono-Marziano ◽  

2020 ◽  
Alexandra Demers-Roberge ◽  
Michael Jollands ◽  
Peter Tollan ◽  
Othmar Müntener

<p>Experiments have been conducted to assess the effects of temperature, oxygen fugacity, crystallographic orientation, silica activity and chemical composition on the diffusivity and substitution mechanisms of hydrogen in orthopyroxene (opx). Axially oriented ~cuboids of natural Tanzanian opx were dehydrated at 1 bar in a gas mixing furnace (H<sub>2</sub>-CO<sub>2</sub> mix) at three different oxygen fugacities (~QFM-1,~QFM+1, ~QFM-7), and two different silica activity buffers (olivine+pyroxene or pyroxene+quartz) between 700°C and 1000°C. Profiles of hydrogen content versus distance were extracted from experimental samples using Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, with diffusion coefficients extracted using relevant analytical solutions and numerical approximations of Fick’s second law. Diffusion is the fastest along [001] ( D<sub>[001]</sub>>D<sub>[010]</sub>>D<sub>[100]</sub>). Fitting the diffusion coefficients to the isobaric Arrhenius relationship (logD=logD<sub>0</sub>+(-Q/(2.303RT)) gives activation energies (Q) and pre-exponential factors (logD<sub>0</sub>) between 127 to 162 kJmol<sup>-1</sup> and –4.29 to -5.42  m<sup>2</sup>s<sup>-1</sup> , respectively, for ~QFM-1.</p><p>The extracted hydrogen diffusivities are faster than previously measured by 0.5 to 5 orders of magnitude at ~1000 °C and ~700°C, respectively (Carpenter (2003), Stalder and Skogby (2003), Stalder and Behrens (2006), Stalder and al. (2007)) and are slightly slower, but strikingly close, to those of the fastest experimentally-determined diffusivity of H in olivine (Kohlstedt and Mackwell, 1998), suggesting a mechanism akin to proton-polaron exchange. This presents a paradoxical decoupling between natural and experimental observations. In most cases for mantle xenoliths, natural olivine has low water contents (<35 ppm), or are dry, and show H diffusive loss of water, where natural opx contains between 10 and 460 ppm and rarely show H diffusive loss (Demouchy and Bolfan-Casanova (2016), suggesting opx is more capable of recording the mantle water signature. With hydrogen diffusivities of olivine and opx being quite similar, however, both minerals should suffer from the same rate of dehydration during ascent, thus show low or zero water content in natural settings, which is not the case. Therefore, the inference that pyroxenes are better recorder of water in the mantle (e.g. Warren et Hauri (2014), Peslier (2010)) cannot be a simple function of diffusivities. A case study on an opx crystal showing a dehydration profile from a spinel-peridotite xenolith, hosted in an alkaline magma, from Patagonia supports this. Using the H diffusion coefficients from this study, the calculated rates of ascent of the mantle xenolith in alkaline magma are comparable to those associated with kimberlite magmas. The two suggestions we present are the following: i) Changing the boundary conditions may modify the hydrogen diffusive flux through the xenolith history and ii) The measured diffusivities would be apparent diffusivities as there might be different pathways or mechanisms of diffusion.</p>

2020 ◽  
Massimo Chiaradia

<p>Porphyry deposits are the major natural source of copper and a significant natural source of gold, which are essential metals for our society. Porphyry deposits form at convergent margins both during subduction (syn-subduction, Andean-type deposits) and in post-subduction to post-collision and extensional geodynamic settings (post-subduction deposits). Syn-subduction porphyry deposits are typically associated with calc-alkaline magmas often characterized by high Sr/Y values (~50-150). In contrast, post-subduction deposits are mostly associated with variably alkaline magmas having lower Sr/Y values (~25-75). The reasons of the association of porphyry deposits with magmas having different geochemical affinities and of their widely variable Cu and Au endowments (from <1 to >100 Mt for Cu and from few tens to >2500 tons for gold) remain unconstrained.</p><p>Porphyry Cu-Au deposits define two distinct trends in plots of Au versus Cu endowments and Au endowment versus duration of the ore process (Chiaradia, 2020): one trend (Cu-rich) is characterized by steep Cu/Au endowment values (Cu/Au~250000) and an average low rate of Au deposition (~100 tons Au/Ma); the other trend (Au-rich) is characterized by low Cu/Au endowment values (Cu/Au~12500) and an average high rate of gold deposition (~4500 tons Au/Ma). The Au-rich trend is defined to the greatest extent by seven, alkaline magma-related, porphyry gold systems (>1100 tons Au) and subordinately by numerous calc-alkaline systems (<1300 tons Au). The Cu-rich trend is defined only by calc-alkaline magma-related porphyry systems.</p><p>Modelling of petrological and metal precipitation processes using a Monte Carlo approach suggests that, whereas Cu-rich porphyries are formed by large volumes of magma, Au-rich porphyries result from a better precipitation efficiency of Au. The specific association of the largest Au-rich porphyry deposits with variably alkaline magmas also points out that alkaline magma chemistry favours an upgrade of Au endowments.</p><p> </p><p><strong>References</strong></p><p><em>Chiaradia, M. (2020) Gold endowments of porphyry deposits controlled by precipitation efficiency. Nature Communications 11, 248,</em></p>

Lithos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 356-357 ◽  
pp. 105342
Jongkyu Park ◽  
Hoseong Lim ◽  
Bora Myeong ◽  
Yun-Deuk Jang

2019 ◽  
Vol 114 (5) ◽  
pp. 917-952 ◽  
Xiao-Wen Huang ◽  
Anne-Aurélie Sappin ◽  
Émilie Boutroy ◽  
Georges Beaudoin ◽  
Sheida Makvandi

Abstract The trace element composition of igneous and hydrothermal magnetite from 19 well-studied porphyry Cu ± Au ± Mo, Mo, and W-Mo deposits was measured by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and then classified by partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) to constrain the factors explaining the relationships between the chemical composition of magnetite and the magmatic affinity and porphyry deposit subtypes. Igneous magnetite can be discriminated by relatively high P, Ti, V, Mn, Zr, Nb, Hf, and Ta contents but low Mg, Si, Co, Ni, Ge, Sb, W, and Pb contents, in contrast to hydrothermal magnetite. Compositional differences between igneous and hydrothermal magnetite are mainly controlled by the temperature, oxygen fugacity, cocrystallized sulfides, and element solubility/mobility that significantly affect the partition coefficients between magnetite and melt/fluids. Binary diagrams based on Ti, V, and Cr contents are not enough to discriminate igneous and hydrothermal magnetite in porphyry deposits. Relatively high Si and Al contents discriminate porphyry W-Mo hydrothermal magnetite, probably reflecting the control by high-Si, highly differentiated, granitic intrusions for this deposit type. Relatively high Mg, Mn, Zr, Nb, Sn, and Hf but low Ti and V contents discriminate porphyry Au-Cu hydrothermal magnetite, most likely resulting from a combination of mafic to intermediate intrusion composition, high chlorine in fluids, relatively high oxygen fugacity, and low-temperature conditions. Igneous or hydrothermal magnetite from Cu-Mo, Cu-Au, and Cu-Mo-Au deposits cannot be discriminated from each other, probably due to similar intermediate to felsic intrusion composition, melt/fluid composition, and conditions such as temperature and oxygen fugacity for the formation of these deposits. The magmatic affinity of porphyritic intrusions exerts some control on the chemical composition of igneous and hydrothermal magnetite in porphyry systems. Igneous and hydrothermal magnetite related to alkaline magma is relatively rich in Mg, Mn, Co, Mo, Sn, and high field strength elements (HFSEs), perhaps due to high concentrations of chlorine and fluorine in magma and exsolved fluids, whereas those related to calc-alkaline magma are relatively rich in Ca but depleted in HFSEs, consistent with the high Ca but low HFSE magma composition. Igneous and hydrothermal magnetite related to high-K calc-alkaline magma is relatively rich in Al, Ti, Sc, and Ta, due to a higher temperature of formation or enrichment of these elements in melt/fluids. Partial least squares-discriminant analysis on hydrothermal magnetite compositions from porphyry Cu, iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG), Kiruna-type iron oxide-apatite (IOA), and skarn deposits around the world identify important discriminant elements for these deposit types. Magnetite from porphyry Cu deposits is characterized by relatively high Ti, V, Zn, and Al contents, whereas that from IOCG deposits can be discriminated from other types of magnetite by its relatively high V, Ni, Ti, and Al contents. IOA magnetite is discriminated by higher V, Ti, and Mg but lower Al contents, whereas skarn magnetite can be separated from magnetite from other deposit types by higher Mn, Mg, Ca, and Zn contents. Decreased Ti and V contents in hydrothermal magnetite from porphyry Cu and IOA, to IOCG, and to skarn deposits may be related to decreasing temperature and increasing oxygen fugacity. The relative depletion of Al in IOA magnetite is due to its low magnetite-silicate melt partition coefficient, immobility of Al in fluids, and earlier, higher-temperature magmatic or magmatic-hydrothermal formation of IOA deposits. The relative enrichment of Ni in IOCG magnetite reflects more mafic magmatic composition and less competition with sulfide, whereas elevated Mn, Mg, Ca, and Zn in skarn magnetite results from enrichment of these elements in fluids via more intensive fluid-carbonate rock interaction.

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