Democratic governance
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Published By Lviv Regional Institute For Public Administration - LRIPA NAPA


A. Ovsianyk

Problem setting. Executive authorities and local self-government bodies in Ukraine take part in the development and implementation of regional targeted programs aimed at the development of respective territories. While elaborating the programs, they apply the regulatory framework determining the principles of development, approval and implementation of state targeted programs, that does not reflect the specificity of regional programs, territorial community programs. Project management methodology constitutes one of the most efficient regional development tools that are almost not used in the development of regional targeted programs. To ensure efficient management of cultural heritage protection, attention should be paid to the development and further implementation of regional targeted programs, with due account of the project approach methodology. Recent research and publications analysis. The studies of the project approach application for solving development tasks at different levels of public administration have been performed by Т. Mamatova, О. Medvedieva, V. Rach, І. Chykarenko, and others. Analytical study of cultural heritage management as well as specific aspects of program analysis has been made within the project “ReHERIT: Shared Responsibility for Common Heritage” and project “CHOICE: Cultural Heritage and Contemporaneity”. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. In spite of the researcher’s interest in the selected range of problems, the issue of program development in the field of cultural heritage with due account of the project approach remains understudied. Paper main body. According to the data of the analysis made, as of the beginning of 2021 comprehensive cultural heritage preservation programs are being implemented in 10 regions of Ukraine. In 12 more regions activities (program section, specific activities or projects) aimed to preserve cultural heritage, fixed in the cultural development or economic and social development programs are being implemented. Kyiv and Luhansk regions (government-controlled territory of Ukraine) have not approved regional programs regulating the field of cultural heritage protection. The results of program analysis have pointed to problems in the development and protection of cultural heritage, that have been grouped by different aspects. Problems indicated in most programs are of descriptive nature, characterize the situation as of the moment of development, with no account of the trends over a certain period of time, are not always supported by actual statistical, financial, and other indicators. Analysis of regional programs under implementation has shown that some of them contain general wording, goals, are characterized by the lack of logical correlation between directions and problems. Availability of respective resource provision constitutes the necessary precondition for the achievement of the goal and expected outcomes of programs. Under the decisions “On the Regional Budget for 2021”, as far as allocation of the regional budget costs for the implementation of local/regional programs is concerned, regional councils have approved funding for the implementation of 4 programs (out of 10 comprehensive ones), the activities of which are aimed at the cultural heritage preservation. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Implementation of the project approach in the development and implementation of regional targeted programs will enable to more efficiently and rationally use budget funds and involve budget and non-budget funding based on the outcomes planned and complying with the state and regional policy priorities. Unified principles and approaches are not followed in the development of regional programs. In order to improve the efficiency of program implementation it is necessary to take into account mutual relations between program components, adequacy of the goal, tasks, and final outcomes in the course of their development.

V. Pasichnyk

Problem setting. Social stability, a high-quality living standard for the population, and the creation of prerequisites for a decent level of living and development of society directly depend on the level of ensuring social security as a component of the national security of Ukraine. Recent research and publications analysis. Some aspects of the regulatory labor protection support are shown in the works of M. Baru, V. Venediktova, S. Voloshyna, D. Karpenko, L. Lazor, I. Shamshyna, V. Chernadchuk, O. Yaroshenko, and others. However, the peculiarities of labor protection as a social component of national safety in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union require some further scientific research, and the regulation of these features definitely needs to be improved. The article aims to analyze the regulatory support of labor safety as a social component of national security, taking into account the processes of European integration of Ukraine, and to clarify the regulatory context of reforming its system. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The contradiction and inconsistency of the provisions in the Ukrainian legislation as for labor safety and the presence of numerous gaps in it determines the necessity to study this problem of the regulatory support for labor protection as a social component of the national security of Ukraine in the context of European integration. Paper main body. The main priority for ensuring national security is the protection of life and health, human and civil rights, and freedoms. National security is a system of measures to ensure the state of the Ukrainian people (nation) as an independent subject of political power and an equal participant in international relations, the bearer of sovereignty and the main source of power in their country, when the vital interests of a person and citizen, society and the state are optimally balanced and protected. There are no threats to the national interests, national values, and national way of life, and its independence, stability, self-development, and progress are ensured. National security is a complex multidimensional phenomenon that combines military, social, economic, political, informational, and environmental components. So, labor safety is an important social component of national security, because it provides for the adoption of necessary measures aimed at preserving life, health, and working capacity of a person in the process of work and avoiding accidents in future. Providing public stability and meeting Ukrainian national interests largely depends on ensuring labor safety. The law of Ukraine “On labor protection” of 14.10.1992 establishes a single procedure for organizing labor protection by regulating relations between an employer and an employee on issues of labor safety, health and the working environment, and the determination of basic provisions on the realization of the constitutional right of workers to protection of their life and health in the course of labor activity, to proper, safe and healthy working conditions. Ukrainian legislation defines labor protection as a phenomenon related to almost all spheres of society (socio-economic, political, legal, etc.). At the same time, the scientific community considers the concept of labor protection in various aspects. In this case, the concept of “labor protection” covers its definition of “labor safety” as the protection of the employee from the risks associated with the labor process. Thus, labor safety as an element of worker protection is the social component of national security that involves necessary measures to saving human life, health, and working ability and avoiding future accidents. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Based on the previous information, we can conclude that labor safety is an important social component of the national security of Ukraine. The international legal system and European standards of labor protection are based on the principles of protection and defense of human and civil rights. Therefore, the adaptation of local legislation to international and European legislation will help to improve existing legal norms and create new ones that will contribute to labor safety and stability in society and strengthening the national security of Ukraine. In the case of Ukrainian adaptation to international and European legislation, the requirements of European norms and standards in the field of labor safety provide for the solution of the following urgent tasks: ensuring safe working conditions, prevention of occupational injuries and diseases, providing the safety of products and services. At the same time, the use of economic levers and incentive principles is crucial. Legislative adaptation has to be based on systematic and preventive approaches to ensure workers their labor safety and health.

V. Fesenko

Problem setting. More recently, the problem of the shortage of skilled personnel in Ukraine has become significantly aggravated, primarily due to emigratory mood of young people. To maximize the implementation of labor potential, it is necessary to identify and minimize the relevant human resource risks that may arise during the development of the organization, in particular of local authorities. After all, the functioning of many spheres of the state as a whole depends on the efficiency of local governments activities. Recent research and publication analysis. The concept and classification of human resource risks were considered and presented in the works of A. Alaverdov, O. Diomin, V. Zhukovska, L. Ischuk, V. Rodchenko, G. Rekun, O. Pakhlova, S. Lobazova, O. Smagulov. V. Fedoseev and M. Khromov investigated the causes of human resources risks. E. Bulanova developed methods for identifying the causes and factors of human resources risks, accounting for them, and minimizing the influence. N. Kazakova, Zh. Denisova, O. Kalmykova studied the minimization of human resource risks in the management of civil service personnel with the help of psychological influence. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Despite the elaboration of many aspects of this issue, the definition, specificity, and classification of human resource risks in local government bodies have been studied insufficiently and require a more thorough study and justification. The purpose of the paper is to identify and classify human resource risks in the personnel management system in local government bodies in Ukraine. Paper main body. Personnel management is a multifaceted and complex process, which is characterized by specific features and patterns. Human resource risks are an integral part of the HR management system. According to the majority of scientists, the activities of the organization are impossible without human resource risks. The main reason for human resource risks is the unpredictability of human behavior, which generates a significant range of possible solutions to problems and their consequences. Human resource risks in each area have their own characteristics. The wording of the concept of “human resource risks” in local government bodies is not officially fixed. Today, this term is also insufficiently developed in the scientific literature. Taking into account the specifics of these bodies, it can be taken as a basis that human resource risks in the personnel management system in local government bodies in Ukraine are a set of threats to personnel and the local government body as a whole, associated with factors of the personal factor, economic nature and the specifics of the social and professional environment of civil servants. The personnel hazard at each stage of work with the cadre potential can be generated by the following factors: technical, technological, motivational, psychological, and corruption. An important point in changing personnel hazards is circumstances that change over time. This includes the situation in the country, the team, the official's family, his/her character, needs, priorities. Today, during the quarantine period, technical and technological risks are especially relevant. They can simplify most procedures for obtaining services to protect workers from danger. However, there is another side to this situation – the psychological side. Not every official is capable of drastically changing his/her work schedule. These changes are especially difficult for aged employees. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Each personnel risk is constantly changing, crowding out stereotypes, and requires due attention from the management. It is extremely urgent today to increase the level of digitalization. It is the flexibility of the personnel management system that can become the basis for unlocking the long-term potential of local authorities, although the identification of human resource risks and their minimization is a long and difficult process.

I. Kiyanka

Problem setting. The flourishing of populism in recent years is caused, in our opinion, by an important factor – the current political bankruptcy of the Ukrainian left forces related, some way or another, to the Soviet past. Under the conditions of the authority concentration in the hands of the centrists and right centrists, the public request for social justice and more equal access of the citizens to the basic social benefits has lost common in the previous decades mechanisms of political representation. Thus, it was populists who touched on this topic and filled in the empty social and political niche. The positions of the majority of the political elite and the mood of the general public are apparently similar within the scope of this aspect. The citizens unsatisfied first of all with their economic position, which worsened sharply under the conditions of war and crisis, hope that the reforms will become the tool for the improvement of their lives. However, the reforms, in the direction of which the Ukrainian government has been mowing after the Euromaidan and which are supported by the international donors and strategic allies of Ukraine, focus on the value-based choice, which is quite different from the intrinsic to the majority of Ukrainians aspiration for “social justice”. Recent research and publications analysis. This problem was studied by such scientists as V. Haiets, O. Maidanchyk, T. Podorozhna, B. Makhonchuk, O. Yushchyk, and other scientists. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Analysis of the parties' programs, which nominated their candidates for deputies, found out discrepancies in their area of focus with important for the citizens problems. Some issues are covered very generally, and promises are not backed up with the mechanism of realization. Particularly, the economic block of issues related to the filling of local budget and development of local economy very faintly touches all subjects of the election process. Promises for the provision of additional benefits to medical workers, educators, and socially disadvantaged categories do not explain from which resources these promises will be funded. Moreover, election campaigns paid little attention to the demographic problem. Paper main body. Most citizens ignored the local election as they considered their role insignificant. Complicated ballots and oppressive epidemiologic statistics also became a constraining factor for many people. There was plenty of political advertisement in social media, direct meetings with electors, but there was a lack of the element of involvement or discussions. Apparently, some of the mentioned attributes are intrinsic to the politicians and public in general in western countries as well. But the main difference lies in the level of application of such attributes and the attitude to them of electors and society in general. Since it is clear: politicians act the way their electors allow them to act.  Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Although the main subjects of the local election process were political parties, the party principle was of secondary meaning. During the election, the citizens of the hromads (communities) focused on the candidates of local or national level and were not interested in the election programs of the parties. But there is one detail: the current election legislation provides the imperative mandate. That is, if an elected deputy does not work well or does not follow party discipline, they can be dismissed by the decision of a party. Discussions not about which street shall be reconstructed next, but about the outlook on life and related things: how we are planning to live the next 5 years, how we can make our city more convenient for the citizens, etc. The absence of interesting innovative ways of solution of relevant local problems caused some kind of weariness and inactivity of electors. Unfortunately, none of the candidates and political parties did manage to mobilize their electors and heighten the interest of society in this election campaign. The first feature – this election was conducted under the conditions of quite unbalanced and non-perfect Electoral Code. It can be proved by the fact that during the election campaign – in September – the parliament tried to introduce amendments to the Code. Thus, the range of problems taking place during the election was caused by the imperfection of the legislation. Secondly, local parties, which do not have significant influence during parliamentary elections, most often do not participate in them at all. In sociological polls, quite big part of respondents chooses different parties for local and parliamentary elections. During nation-wide elections, significant role play popular political leaders and parties headed by them. Secondly, the next nationwide election in our country will be held in 2025.

M. Lylyk

Problem setting. Regular contacts between representatives of different cultures determine the need to solve problems that always arise in the form of the need to adapt representatives of one culture in the conditions of their existence in another culture. It is important to understand that the cooperation of such entities on a professional basis also requires the development of approaches that would allow a high level of effectiveness of such interaction. A special role should be played by public authorities and management, designed to implement the relevant functions. Recent research and publications analysis. At the present stage, the issue of intercultural communication is covered in the works of such scientists as Hasanov Z., Zasluzheniuk V., Kucherian S., Miroshnichenko V., Zhornova O., Nieto S., Rulker T. and others. Socio-cultural environment forms certain patterns of behavior of individuals, as claimed by such researchers as Verbytska P., Manakin V., Traiger G., Hall E., Shaigorodskyi Y. and others. Scientists argue that intercultural communication underlies the implementation of civilized relations observed in modern society. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. It should be noted the need for in-depth research in the context of public administration, as this aspect is extremely important for state building and the transition to a new communicative format among the population and public authorities. Such research should begin with the elucidation of the theoretical foundations and features of intercultural communication in public administration. Paper main body. Communication will be effective if the participants of the communication process are able to understand each other. It occurs in accordance with the worldview of an individual and is the main way of human communication. The term “intercultural communication” appeared in the scientific literature in the 1970s. Already in the next decade there was a significant surge of interest in the issue of intercultural communication among specialists in the field of linguistics, psychology, culturology and sociology. Currently, there are a large number of special institutes and scientific schools that study the features of intercultural communication The set of terminological positions of intercultural communication gives grounds for such generalizations. The subjects of intercultural communication are the representative of one culture as the producer of the message and the representative of another culture as the recipient of this message. Intercultural communication should be considered as “adequate mutual understanding of two participants in a communicative act who belong to different cultures”. The interaction of parties with different experiences, and their individuals are the  different patterns of behavior that have historically developed in different periods. This refers to a communicative format in which the sender and recipient of information belong to different cultures. In the process of studying the peculiarities of intercultural communication, it is necessary to focus on the study of differences between cultures on the basis of the theory of four dimensions: the first dimension is the distance of power; the second dimension is individualism and collectivism; the third dimension is the avoidance of uncertainty; the fourth dimension is male and female. The public aspect is dominant in intercultural communication, as it is realized through open interactions, which in one way or another must regulate, coordinate and be guided from the outside. Publicity in this case manifests itself as the influence of certain external factors, the most important of which is public authority. In particular, the power-management vectors aimed at ensuring that the process of intercultural communication is carried out within the legislative and regulatory framework of those countries in which such communicative interaction is observed. And public authorities and administration are called to perform the following functions: to inform participants of intercultural communication by placing information in the media, on the official websites of government agencies, providing answers to inquiries, etc.; to advise communicators in order to acquaint the parties with the position of public administration bodies regarding a particular format of behavior; to conduct a dialogue with the participants of intercultural communication by transmitting the necessary information bilaterally and waiting for the relevant results; to cooperate with the authorities and participants of intercultural communication on the basis of partnership. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. The studied concept has a sufficient justification in the scientific literature. Based on the versatility and multifaceted nature of this definition, it is correct to say that it is closely related to various sciences and worldviews, which allows us to deeply understand the importance of understanding the term under study by participants in intercultural communication. The sphere of public administration contributes to the establishment of effective cooperation between representatives of different cultures and countries, while performing a number of functions. The main ones are informative, consultative, partnership and dialogue function. Effective cooperation between public authorities and participants in intercultural communication helps to improve the quality of the communication process and meeting of the goals.

H. Dzyana ◽  
R. Dzyanyy

Problem setting. The rapid development of modern society requires the creation of new forms of cooperation and mutual understanding and requires new forms of communication, which will be characterized by even greater efficiency, openness, transparency, efficiency and quality. The total penetration of communication into all spheres of public life actualizes its significance and functional role. Modern transformational processes taking place in society necessitate the creation of responsible institutions of civil society, which include public organizations that act as a mediator between the community and the state. The level of public trust in them depends on the effectiveness of communicative activities of NGOs because successful communication is the basis of constructive dialogue between public organizations and society. Recent research and publications analysis. Ukrainian scientists study various aspects of the activity of NGOs, in particular, the development of mass and civil communication, public relations are studied in their works of such domestic scientists as: E. Afonin, V. Bebyk, M. Bilynska, O. Valevskyi, T. Vasilevskaya, N. Hrytsyak, N. Hudyma, V. Hurkovskyi, O. Dmytrenko, L. Klymanska, M. Lohunova, D. Nelipa, I. Panteleichuk, O. Petroye, G. Pocheptsov, O. Pukhkal, V. Rebkalo , V. Rizun, E. Romanenko, A. Savkov, S. Seryogin, G. Sytnyk, S. Teleshun, I. Chaplai and others. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Understanding the general features and trends of the development of public organizations, as well as the establishment of their effective internal and external communicative activity, require more detailed consideration and detailed study. The paper aims at theoretically substantiating the tools for ensuring the effectiveness of communicative activities of NGOs as a basis for open and rational dialogue in a consolidated society. Paper main body. The issue of improving the communicative interaction of public organizations with government bodies and the media does not disappear from the agenda of either government agencies or public associations. The effectiveness of communication of public organizations in Ukraine depends primarily on the literacy of their communication campaigns, which implies the presence in NGOs of communication strategies, which involve high-level professionals with many years of practical experience. Today, the participation of Ukrainians in the social movement and the trust in the institutions of the third sector and their influence on the development of society and community are growing. The results of the study showed that the efficiency of communicative activities of NGOs directly depends on public confidence in them. Social networks are a unique platform for consolidating different groups of actors based on the commonality of their interests, and as a result of communicative interaction, there is a large-scale synergetic effect. This way of showing civic activity can be considered the most efficient and widespread. The article considers the advantages and risks of the use of social networks by public organizations in the communicative activity of the public sector, outlines several rules of communication in social networks for public organizations. The article states that the effectiveness of communication of NGOs also depends on cooperation with journalists and the choice of audience. The quality of feedback and the level of public trust in NGOs depend on the ability to convey relevant information to the audience in a timely and high-quality manner. We should not underestimate the growing role of public organizations in the consolidation of society, a necessary condition for which is the creation of a single information space. National consolidation will be successful when the state policy in this area is complemented by the activities of civil society institutions, their effective internal and external communication activities. In our opinion, there is a necessity to establish consolidated communication as a process of multifaceted communication within society through various communication channels and tools to strengthen, unite, integrate and pull together society to form a common coherent approach to solving societal problems. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Effective NGOs, as an element of civil society, are the catalyst for its development. Every NGO, since its inception, seeks to plan its activities in such a way as to achieve its goals in the shortest possible time, to become known, to influence public opinion. This area is an important factor that affects the necessity for communicative interaction between the state and civil society. Among the tools for ensuring the efficiency of communicative activity of NGOs, we consider it appropriate to name: the presence of feedback and the level of public confidence in them; literacy of public communication campaigns; correct use of social networks in the communicative activity of the public sector; establishing active cooperation with journalists; definition of the target audience; use of modern communication formats; selection of communication channels that correspond to the target audience; establishing consolidated communication. Further research in this direction should be aimed, in particular, at an in-depth studying of consolidated communication as a major factor in the consolidation of Ukrainian society.

L. Kurnosenko ◽  
O. Nienova ◽  
V. Sukharenko

Problem setting. Structural reforms in the healthcare system, medical institutions autonomization and radical change in their financing model, necessitate continuous improvement of methodological and organizational approaches to the training of modern specialists in the field of healthcare organization and management. Recent research and publications analysis. Conceptual, terminological and practical aspects for the formation of the leadership professional competence are considered in the numerous works by foreign and domestic scientists. T. Kravtsova, K. Khomenko, M. Mruha and others considered the peculiarities of educational approaches to the formation of professional competence for medical staff. Management capital in the healthcare system was studied by V. Borsch. The information support model for the formation of the leadership professional competence in the healthcare field was proposed by L. Lishtaba. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Despite the significant scientific achievements of the scholars, there is still no comprehensive research, concerning the development of a universal model for the formation of the leadership professional competence in the healthcare system integrated by levels and forms of education. Paper main body. The model for the formation of the leadership professional competence in the healthcare field could be considered from the philosophical and socio-economic point of view. The philosophical aspect of the model reflects a dialectical set of forms and methods for influencing the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the leaders’ capability to act effectively and to achieve results in the healthcare management. The socio-economic aspect of the model means that it is always specified by certain socio-economic conditions of society development, the requirements of the market environment for the leadership professional qualities, and the healthcare system features. The model is implemented through a mechanism, the core of which being the state personnel policy in the healthcare field. Legal, economic and administrative methods of state influence are the means for its implementation, while educational and professional programs of postgraduate education and continuing professional development programs in the healthcare are the implementation forms. The objects of the model are organizational, legal, economic, educational, value-personal subsystems (elements) of the system of formation and development of the leadership professional competence in the healthcare field. Conclusions and perspectives for further research. Having considered the conceptual apparatus of the system of formation and development of the leadership professional competence in the healthcare field, we can form an idea of its scientific (abstract) structural and functional model. Filling each abstract element of the mechanism for the model implementation with specific content could be the next important step of scientific research.

N. Frolova

Problem setting. Public policy is a complex phenomenon, because a number of actors are involved in its formation and implementation. The basis of this mechanism of publicity is the development of joint decisions by all participants in the public sphere and the search for compromises. In our opinion, such a mechanism is the basis of publicity of the policy itself as a phenomenon, because it provides openness, transparency of coordination of interests of different actors and the implementation of compromise solutions. At the same time, the theoretical foundations of public policy require constant analysis of new approaches to the principles of public policy by foreign and domestic scholars, study of features and components of this concept, their relationship and combination, highlighting the importance and role of theoretical justification of public policy in general. These questions are not so simple, because they require the study and analysis of a number of scientific papers. Recent research and publications analysis. Among the authors who have made the greatest achievements in the study of public policy are J. Anderson, P. Knopfel, H. Arendt, E. Arato, R. Dahl, H. Colebetch, J. Dewey, P. Durand, J. Keane, J. March, P. Mueller, L. Paul, K. Patton, J. Richardson, D. Savitsky, G. Simon, J. Habermas and others. Among Ukrainian scientists – S. Teleshun, O. Demyanchuk, I. Reyterovych, A. Kolodiy, V. Tertychka and others. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Currently, there are several hundred definitions of "public policy" in the scientific literature, but due to differences in approaches to the essence and components of key actors, they are very different from each other, which complicates their use for specific political systems, such as public policy analysis. Of Ukraine. In our opinion, this needs to be considered and analyzed in detail because of its weight and importance, as Ukraine is still in the process of building its own public policy on democratic principles and needs to be completely separated from the communist legacy of the Soviet Union. The aim of the article is to analyze the main approaches to the theoretical foundations of public policy by foreign and domestic scholars, study the features and components of this concept, their relationship and combination, highlighting the importance and role of theoretical justification of public policy in general. Paper main body. The scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of the importance for public policy of the presence of clearly defined goals of public policy, its continuity, the role of the processes of interaction of its actors. The interaction of public policy actors is not a simple coordinated clockwork, but rather a symphony, where each violin plays its part, echoing, competing with others, but - in the end, we hear a continuous melody consisting of the sums of instrumental parts, and identify and trace the role each individual without a score (hint) is almost impossible. After the proclamation of Ukraine's independence and the start of state-building democracy, the study of public policy began in Ukraine. Representatives of the National Academy of Public Administration [3; Art. 5]. emphasize that public policy is a form of political process that is implemented in public space, supported by information and communication resources and represented by a set of transparent vertical and horizontal interactions of its participants. In our opinion, this definition most accurately reflects the essence of public policy, but it may be appropriate to add to the definition a clarification of its direction. Public policy can be defined as a form of political process that is implemented in public space with the support of information and communication resources, is a complex set of transparent vertical and horizontal interactions of its participants, acting within their own statutory powers, and aimed at solving certain socially important problems or achieving the goal in specific historical conditions and economic and political situation by influencing the behavior of actors. At the same time, public policy goals must be clearly defined and have criteria for assessing their achievement in the near and distant future. It should be as transparent as possible, logically intertwined with the system of social life and become part of the overall development plan of the state, characterized by continuity and ability to transform at any stage to make adjustments, increase efficiency and achieve the most socially significant goal. Public policy is a complex and multi-elemental phenomenon, which is openly formed by agreeing and finding compromises by the main actors in the public sphere. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies: 1. Public policy is a form of political process that is implemented in public space with the support of information and communication resources, is a complex set of transparent vertical and horizontal interactions of its participants, acting within their own statutory powers, and aimed at solving certain socially important problems or achieving the goal in specific historical conditions and economic and political situation by influencing the behavior of actors. Public policy objectives must be clearly defined and have clear criteria for assessing their achievement in the near and distant The implementation of public policy can be directed as a reaction to the requests of citizens or the emergence of a certain social problem, which is primarily public rather than Public policy can also be a response to a public issue that reflects the social situation (as amended) and that has been set out by mediators and then discussed in a democratic way. Or, in response to political inquiries or demands made to public authorities by other actors, officials decide whether or not to take any action to address certain issues, which sets the content and direction of public policy. The components of public policy usually include solutions to public problems, target groups as the basis  of  public  problems,  intended  intentions,  a  number  of  decisions  and  actions,  intervention program, the key role of public figures, formalized acts, more or less coercive nature of decisions and

V. Tabakera

Problem setting. Local governments in Ukraine have been given more powers and financial resources to ensure balanced local development in the context of decentralization. Due to the decentralization of public power, strategic planning at the level of territorial communities has acquired a qualitatively new meaning. On the one hand, this was facilitated by the establishment of direct inter-budgetary relations of local self-government bodies of the basic level with the state budget. On the other hand, the stimulating factor that necessitated the introduction of the principles of strategic planning in territorial communities was the change of approaches to the implementation of state regional policy. At the same time, today there are no relevant studies of the state of strategic planning at the local level and the ability of local governments to ensure the formation of quality strategies for the development of territorial communities. Recent research and publications analysis. The studies of the strategic planning of regional and local development have been performed by V. Kuybida, V. Vakulenko, O. Berdanova, V. Yuzefovych, A. Tkachuk, T. Zabukovets-Kovachych, V. Kuzmyn, O. Prokopenko, V. Udovychenko, N. Hrynchuk, V. Koltun, S. Shults, S. Davymuk, L. Fedulova and others. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. In spite of the researcher’s interest in the selected range of problems, the issue of the quality of strategic planning and the effectiveness of the implementation of local development strategies remains understudied. Paper main body. As a result of the administrative-territorial reform, 73 territorial communities were created in the territory of Lviv region. Today development strategies are available in 18 of them. Another 33 territorial communities are in the process of developing strategies. 22 territorial communities have not started developing strategies yet. There are certain patterns regarding the state of strategic planning in communities. It depends on their financial capacity. This is verified by the analysis of three groups of territorial communities. According to the available information, the relationship between the state of strategic planning in territorial communities, depending on the status of their administrative center (village, town or city) is not established. The processes of voluntary unification of territorial communities had a clear positive impact on the state of strategic planning at the local level. Thus, out of 18 territorial communities of Lviv region, which currently have development strategies, 16 have developed strategies in the status of voluntarily united territorial communities. Research institutions, public organizations, think tanks, local regional development agencies, international and domestic projects to support the institutional capacity of local self-government, associations of local self-government bodies have a positive impact on the state of strategic planning in communities. The problem of synchronization of planning periods in the development strategies of territorial communities of Lviv region with the state planning period, which is focused on the relevant planning period of the European Union – 2021 – 2027, is one of the most common. Thus, only 5 territorial communities have strategies developed by 2027. Thus, the results of the analysis of the state of strategic planning for the development of territorial communities of Lviv region revealed the following problems, which are grouped by different aspects: – lack of approved strategies of territorial communities; – the boundaries of territorial communities have been changed after the approval of relevant strategies; – the problem of synchronization of planning periods in development strategies of territorial communities with the state planning period; – insufficiently deep socio-economic analysis of the development of the respective territories; – lack of conclusions on the identified trends of socio-economic development based on the results of socio-economic analysis; – lack of described development scenarios, demographic and economic forecasts in most community development strategies; – low level of participation of business and public representatives in the formation of the strategy of development of the territorial community; – Lack of Action Plans for the implementation of strategies for the development of territorial communities; – weak logical connection between the strategic objectives of the Strategies for the Development of Territorial Communities and budget planning. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Strategic planning in territorial communities is one of the conditions for a successful of decentralization reform. The strategies of the region and territorial communities of Lviv region for the planning period 2021 – 2027 were developed in 2018 – 2020 and are mostly in line with the State Strategy for Regional Development. At the same time, regional and local strategies reveal an imbalance of tasks according to strategic goals. The problem is the focus on the “infrastructure component” and the lack of understanding of the need to take priority measures to increase the level of cohesion of the territorial community around common values and priorities. Most territorial community development strategies offer typical solutions to problems that do not always correspond to the specifics of local demographic, economic and cultural development, as well as the problems of the respective territories. Quality strategies for the development of territorial communities require a unified methodology approved by the Government. In order to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of strategies for the development of territorial communities, it is necessary to form action plans and implement monitoring. To solve the problems of strategic planning in territorial communities, it is important to provide constant support from state and regional authorities.

O. Petroye ◽  
Yu. Pizyhuk

Problem setting. During the action of response to the epidemic in Ukraine in 2020 – 2021 [1-9], several additional rules, requirements, recommendations, restrictions on the behaviour by employees during to perform all or part of their work duties or to supply their services were introduced in the teams of enterprises, organizations, institutions, which significantly affected on the full implementation of labour and social rights established by international law, laws of Ukraine and collective agreements.  The materials presented in the article highlight are some generalized results of the survey of representatives of trade unions and employees of state organizations/institutions on the questionnaire "Status of observance of workers' rights in the context of changes introduced to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19)". Recent research and publications analysis. Noting the high interest of domestic and foreign scientists in the impact of coronavirus disease on various spheres of human life and society [13-15], special researches and materials of international organizations (ILO, WHO, OECD, etc.), it should be noted that the issue of workers' rights of the state organizations/institutions in the context of changes introduced to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease remain poorly described and poorly researched and little-understood subject. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The purpose of this article is to clarify the situation regarding changes in working conditions of employees of state organizations/institutions under the influence of measures introduced to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and substantiate the relevance of social dialogue as an effective tool for crisis management and increased protection of employees' rights workers of the state organizations/institutions and local governments in terms of COVID-19. Paper main body. The article highlight is some generalized results of the questionnaire survey conducted in April-May 2021 among employees of state organizations/institutions and representatives of their trade unions. The body of the text of the article reveals the idea and methodology of the questionnaire, reflects the assessments of employees of state organizations/institutions on employers' measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the state of affairs with the provider of individual and collective protection of employees in government organizations/institutions, the impact of measures to prevent the spread of COVID 19 on working conditions and the state of protection of workers' rights. According to the questionnaire results, the changes introduced as a result of COVID-19 led to an increase in the volume of work performed (40.0%), an increase in the complexity of work performed (45.5%), an increase in the duration of work performed (40.7%), a decrease in wages (17, 8%) employees. More than 52% of employees have faced and/or continue to face difficulties in adapting to the changes brought about by COVID-19: almost every tenth employee has personal difficulties in arranging a remote workplace (12.3%), mastering digital (online) work technologies (9.5%) etc. Most employees feel a lack and insufficient level of provision of labour protection measures by the administration of the organization/institution. And the incidence of coronavirus among employees of government organizations/ institutions is many times higher than the average incidence among the population of Ukraine (~ 5.3%) [20], and almost twice the incidence of COVID-19 among the adults' population in the country (~ 22%)) [21]. At the same time, only 30.8% of representatives of state organizations/ institutions expressed readiness to be vaccinated against coronavirus soon, 29.4% - against vaccination, another 39.8% - were undecided. And this is even though the fact that currently, about 65% of Ukrainians are ready to be vaccinated against COVID [21]. The results show a high level of psycho-emotional stress in which employees are due to long-standing fears for health (their own and family's) (38.9%), feelings of insecurity and anxiety (37.0%). Another 16.1% of workers are concerned about the decline in family income since the beginning of the pandemic and the deterioration of health (14.2%). Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. The pandemic of COVID-19 has caused unprecedented problems and caused drastic changes in the activities of government organizations/institutions and changes in working conditions. These changes strengthen the responsibility of employers of government organizations/institutions for continuous monitoring of the situation, timely identification and effective implementation of tasks to take appropriate measures to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19 in workplaces. The priority of our further research is the development of social dialogue between employers and trade unions as a mechanism for ensuring labour and socio-economic rights of employees of government organizations/institutions.

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